

What primary services do you offer?

I do not offer any services at this time.

Do you have any certification, license, or background in counseling or theology?

No. I am not a certified counselor of any form, nor do I have any degree or background in Bible education or theology. I do not claim to offer any counseling services or education opinions and perspectives as such. Website links for Bible study groups, theology resources, various ministry organizations, pastoral encouragement, and Christian television that I have found personally helpful and encouraging are included at the bottom of the Home page if you desire to investigate additional resources.

Is the written content of this site your own original work?

Yes. The content body of blog articles and posts is my own original work. It may be influenced by opinions or perspectives reflective of my own personal experiences and study of God’s Word, as well as my Christian denomination. I understand and acknowledge that my opinions and perspectives will be viewed differently by each individual reader, and that not everyone will reach the same conclusion or be in agreement with every statement. I have no intention of ever misrepresenting God or Scripture in any way, and pray continuously that the Holy Spirit guides and influences every part of what – I believe in my heart – God intends for me to share. Nevertheless, I am not devoid of human error. I trust that each reader will take what they have read in context and compare it to God’s Word as the ultimate source of truth to continue her own personal spiritual growth and Biblical research. Any Scripture, additional Christian writings, or quotations included for sake of supporting content will be quoted as such and cited with credit expressly given to the original author.

What is your purpose or goal?

My sincere desire is to share Christ and the joy, hope, peace, comfort, love, and fulfillment that comes through having a personal relationship with Him. My prayer is that this work provides encouragement, inspiration, and Spiritual edification.

What are your beliefs?

I believe the Bible is the holy Word of God, and the inerrant truth and authority for life and faith. I believe in a triune God – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I believe that God is the Creator of heaven and earth; and, that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth in the form of Man to die for our sins and be resurrected to conquer all sin and death on the third day. I believe Jesus ascended to heaven and reigns for eternity, and that anyone who believes with a sincere heart in His death and resurrection might be forgiven of all sin, receiving His perfect gift of salvation that comes through faith – providing eternal life. I believe that God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within us, to be our Counselor, and to complete God’s work in us through the process of sanctification. I believe in the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ which will involve the bodily resurrection and final judgment of both the believer and the nonbeliever. I believe that God created men and women in His image, and that the covenant of marriage was designed and established by God to be between one man and one woman. I believe in the importance of a holy church that has doctrine, religious beliefs, and conduct that aligns with Scripture. I believe in the importance of worship, prayer, fellowship in community of believers, as well as individual study and meditation of Scripture for the purpose of continuing to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.